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AvRDP Seminar

WMO Aviation Research Demonstration Project (AvRDP) Seminar, 19 -22 August 2019

Science Steering Committee meeting, and Expert Network on Aeronautical Meteorological Hazards
Science meeting: 23 August 2019
Theme: “AvRDP - Translating Aviation Meteorological Research into Air Traffic Management Operations”.

SAWS in collaboration with the WMO will be hosting an Aviation Research Demonstration Project (AvRDP) SEMINAR, concluding meeting of the AvRDP Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), and first meeting of the WMO Expert Network on Aeronautical Meteorological Hazards Science (EN-MHS).

The AvRDP project, approved by the WMO congress in 2014, aims to demonstrate the capability of nowcasting and mesoscale modelling techniques in support of the development of the next generation aviation initiative, namely, the Aviation System Block Upgrade under the new Global Aviation Navigation Plan which was endorsed by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2013. The project consists of two phases where phase 1 deals with the meteorological capability research, while phase 2 of the project deals with translating meteorological information into Air Traffic Management impact. The project commenced in 2015, and O.R. Tambo International Airport was selected as one of 11 International airports that were participating in the project.

The intention of the seminar is for the 11 International Airports participating in the WMO AvRDP project to present their final results to the aviation community in order to demonstrate the new products and services that were developed during the project. The seminar will also provide the platform for invited aviation experts to share their needs and expectations from the weather community as well as to provide updates on current and future aviation weather programs

For more information and invitation please contact:

  • Morne Gijben
  • Lead Scientist:
  • Research and Development
  • South African Weather Service
  • Tel: +27 (0)12 367 6146
  • Email: