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Agriculture Industry


Weather and climate conditions play a dominant role in agricultural production. Extreme weather and climate events such as flash floods, untimely rains, hailstorms, frost, extreme heat, and drought have resulted in losses in farm production such as:

  • Crop and livestock production losses due to climate variability and extreme weather events.
  • Indirect production losses in transport, storage, and pests and diseases.


  • Minimise input and farm production losses
  • Improve the quality and quantity of farm produce

Products Available

Weather forecast and seasonal prediction

A weather forecast can be used in planning many field operations such as: spraying, fertiliser applications, irrigation, and preventing damage from frost. Seasonal prediction can assist in selecting crop variety, adjust timing of land preparation, and increase or decrease planted area.

Heat and chill units

Heat units - quantify the thermal environment of organisms; Chill units - sum of cold weather required to break dormancy. Heat and chill units are used to identify potential growing locations, select suitable hybrids, predict best timing of fertiliser or pesticide application.

Animal heat stress indices

The Heat Stress Indices product provides 72-hours forecast maps that show the potential stress livestock experience due to the combination of temperature and humidity conditions. Temperature Humidity Index (THI) - assess the risk of heat stress on dairy cattle, beef cattle and poultry. The product provide guide for the appropriate response activities (e.g., use of cooling technologies) to reduce the impact of heat stress on livestock. Temperature Humidity Index (THI) - assess the risk of heat stress on dairy cattle, beef cattle and poultry. Quantitatively inform cooling needs to minimize the impacts of heat stress on milk and beef production and broilers.

Frost probability index

The frost probability index calculates the onset and cessation of frost at a specific site. This assists farmers decide the physical risk of early planting or late harvest of field crops.

Evapotranspiration & soil moisture

Reference evapotranspiration and soil saturation index (SSI) products can assist in water management, irrigation, and flood monitoring.




Districts Rainfall Stats (DRS)


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Data Type


File Format

Microsoft Excel

File Size




Thematic Application Area/ Target Market

·         Government

·         Farmers

·         Researchers

·         Universities

·         Financial sectors etc


South Africa



Dissemination Channels

·         Email

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

District rainfall calculates monthly rainfall for the 94 rainfall district regions across the country. This is the best option for clients who are interested in rainfall for the whole country but don’t have time to look at individual stations. Long term analysis can include trends, percentage of normals, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPIs), etc.




Provincial Rainfall Stats (PRS)


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Data Type


File Format

Microsoft Excel

File Size




Target Market

·         Government

·         Farmers

·         Researchers

·         Universities

·         Financial sectors etc


South Africa


Dissemination Channels

·         Email

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

The product provides a general overview of rainfall across the country. It is ideal for clients who are only interested in one rainfall value per province per month.




Climate Change Reference Atlas (CCRA)

Provide a Hyperlink:


Diagram, map

Description automatically generated

Additional Information

Data Type

NC, Shapefiles, Jpeg

File Format

Shapefiles, Jpeg


5 years cycle

Thematic Application Area/ Target Market

·         All Sectors


National, Provincial and municipality

Dissemination Channels

Product reports are available on the website. Raw data for further value add are available upon request and commercial terms

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

The Climate Change Reference Atlas provides a general impression of climate change scenarios compared to the present climate, at a high resolution of ~4 km. These scenarios are for various periods and emission scenarios and can assist with initial long-term planning for all climate-sensitive sectors. The information can serve as a preparatory phase for more in-depth future scenario research, relevant to a specific sector.




Climate Data (CD)



Additional Information

Data Type


File Format

MS Excel, MSWord, Pdf

File Size

Request dependant


Upon request

Thematic Application Area/Target Market

·         All Sectors


South Africa

Dissemination Channels

·         Email

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

Long-term analysis, understanding of weather and climate of the area, verification of weather conditions in the area.




Specialized Lightning Report (SLR)



Additional Information

Data Type

Text or Excel

Data Formant

Report PDF or MSWord

File Size

Small /Medium


Upon request

Thematic Application Area/Target Market

·         All sectors


South Africa

Dissemination Channels

·         E-mail

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

To accurately determine the position and strength of a ground strike. Used to validate insurance claims.




Marine Portals and Custom Operational Services (MPCOS)

Provide a Hyperlink :

Monthly Reports:



Additional Information

Data Type


File Size

Variable (Depends on Request)


As Required

Thematic Application Area/Target Market

·         Marine Applications


South Africa

Dissemination Channels

·         Web Portals and Reports.

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

Provide specialised products developed according to clients' needs and thresholds such as predicting the amount of downtime of operations (ports or shipping), ideal conditions for research or operational surveys, forecasting for coastal field work or diving operations, etc.




Animal Heat Stress Index (AHSI)

THI Index for Dairy Cows:






Additional Information

Data Type


File Format


File Size

3 Mb


1 x per day

Thematic Application Area/Target Market

·         Agricultural Sector


South Africa and Southern Africa

Dissemination Channels

·         Web Portal

·         Mobile APP

·         Social Media

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

Heat stress indices are used to assess the risk of heat stress in dairy cattle, beef cattle and poultry. The product will quantitatively inform the management of dairy and beef cattle and poultry cooling needs to at least minimize the impacts of heat stress on milk and beef production and broilers.




Heat and Chill Units (H&C)


Provide a Hyperlink





Additional Information

Data Type

Maps, txt, xlsx

File Size



Hourly, daily

Thematic Application Area/Market

·        Agriculture

·        Biodiversity

·        Ecology




South Africa

Dissemination Channels

·         Web Portal

·         E-mail

·         Mobile APP

·         Social media

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

·         Heat units are used to assess the suitability of a region for crop production; t o select suitable hybrids and varieties; estimate the growth-stages of crops, weeds, and life stages of insects; predict best timing of fertilizer or pesticide application; and to plan spacing of planting dates to produce separate harvest dates .

·         Chill units are used to predict the end of the dormancy period, to determine time for cultivation practices, and to identify potential growing locations.




Lightning Climatology (LC)


Description automatically generated

Chart, histogram

Description automatically generated


Additional Information

Data Type

Images can be provided in standard formats such as GIF, PNG, JPEG or in documents such as Word and PDF. An option is also available to provide data in text files, Excel, or shapefile format.

File Size

25 kb – 20+ mb dependent on format.



Thematic Application Area/Target Market

·         Insurance

·         Lightning Protection

·         Energy

·         Construction

·         Forestry

·         Transportation

·         And other sectors concerned with lightning distributions.



National and can be tailor-made at the provincial, municipality or point location level.


Dissemination Channels

Information is typically provided by email but can be provided by other dissemination channels as requested by clients.

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

Lightning climatological information provides important insights into the typical distribution and characteristics of lightning across South Africa which is extremely valuable for lightning protection standards, risk assessments, and planning.




Lightning Stroke Detection (LSD)


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File Format


File Size



1 minute

Thematic Application Area/Target Market

·         DRR 

·         Insurance

·         Schools

·         Aviation

·         Sport and recreation

·         Mining

·         Forestry

·         Transportation

·         Energy

·         Construction


South Africa

Dissemination Channels

·         Web portal

·         Email

·         Mobile APP

·         Social media

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

The product provides gridded near-real-time lightning maps to monitor lightning activity anywhere in South Africa with the capability for clients to view the current location of lightning storm cells and the intensity thereof. This product can be used for decision making to stop activities when a storm approaches and to resume activities once the threat is over.




Monthly Drought Bulletin




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Data Type


File Size




Thematic Application Area/Market

·         Government

·         Farmers

·         Researchers

·         Universities

·         Financial sectors etc


South Africa

Dissemination Channels

SAWS website:


Product Benefits/Impact to end – user


The product serves as a valuable tool for decision makers in government, enabling them to effectively monitor drought conditions and allocate resources accordingly. It is also useful across different sectors, i.e., farmers for planning purposes, investors, and insurance companies.

Researchers may use the product to pick up case studies for further investigations.




Precipitation Concentration Index (PCI)

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File Size



Seasonal, supra-seasonal and annual

Thematic Application Area/Target Market

·         Water

·         Agriculture


National, provincial, and tailor-made spatial scale

Dissemination Channels

Product reports are available on request. Other means of dissemination are being explored, including dissemination through SAWS website.

Product Benefits/Impact to end – user

The PCI can be used as an indicator for hydrological risks such as drought and flood, including to facilitate the flow rate from high to lower, thereby eliminating floods. The PCI can also be used for flood risk assessment, water resources management and agricultural planning.




Drought Propagator (DP)

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File Size




Target Market

·         Water Sector

·         Agriculture


National, provincial, and tailor-made spatial scale

Dissemination Channels

Product reports are available on request. Other means of dissemination are being explored, including dissemination through SAWS website.

Product Benefits

Applications of drought propagator include drought monitoring & prediction, drought risk assessment, water resources management & planning as well as for agricultural planning.