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Lightning Statistical Reports & Maps

Your Concerns

You are a lightning protection expert, an industrial site, a wind/solar farm, a construction company or handle other assets/operations affected by thunderstorms. Lightning can impact your site in different ways depending on your activities, your location and the safety measures applied, potentially generating severe damages on your installations and compromising people’ safety. You want to better understand your exposure to the lightning risk to adapt your protections and your procedures.

Our Solution

Lightning is a hazardous phenomenon that is hardly predictable. However, it is not random. Its frequency and characteristics are strongly site dependent.

Our lightning statistical reports and maps will allow you to:

  • · Better estimate the risk specific to your site and the potential damages & losses
  • · Define the adequate lightning protections for your site
  • · Optimize your safety procedures (ex: operations process, lightning protections inspection/ maintenance, etc.)
  • · Adapt the prevention measures applied